Andrew Sheldon, MD
Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist
Dr. Andrew Sheldon is originally from Nashville, TN, but is currently in his final year as a Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellow at the Yale Child Study Center in New Haven, CT. Prior to this, he received his MD and PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Wisconsin Madison School of Medicine and Public health in Wisconsin. Originally interested in biophysics research, Dr. Sheldon is passionate about applying novel and multidisciplinary approaches to address health inequalities in youth mental health care. As a Cherokee citizen, he is also interested specifically in working with indigenous youth and communities around the country who must confront unique challenges and intergenerational trauma inherited from the legacy of American colonial history and indigenous genocide.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)Panic AttacksPhobiasSchizophreniaBipolar DisorderPersonality DisordersSubstance UseAutism Spectrum DisorderADHDIntellectual DisabilityDementiaTrauma and PTSDComplex Health ConditionsNon-Traditional Pharmacology (Supplements)HolisticTherapyTraumatic Brain InjuryLGBTQEating DisordersAlcohol UseCo-Occurring Disorders or Dual DiagnosisTeens and Young AdultsGamblingAddictive BehaviorsGrief and LossAnger IssuesInsomnia or Sleep IssuesAnxietyDepressionPregnancy, Prenatal, Postpartum
Insurance Accepted
Montana Health Co-Op, Medicaid, TriWest.